Monday, December 24, 2012

Arts College Tadjimalela, Indonesia

Tadjimalela is an ancestor of Sunda. Besides, not many people know that the name of a college Tadjimalela arts based in Bandung, West Java. Our initial introduction to the arts Tadjimalela time 2 years ago. We visited Abah Iyan (Alm close calls. R. Iyan Koesoemahdinata, former Chairman PS Tadjimalela). At his house we saw with our eyes a martial arts demo Tadjimalela. Peraganya is Cecelia Kang (close calls from Tjetjep Sadikin, senior coach Tadjimalela). Only about 10 minutes kang Cecelia issued 
Tadjimalela.Gerakannya moves very agile, fast, effective and powerful. Wow! We were all amazed. Imagine moves are simple, brief but deadly. Not a lot of style and a waste of time. Straightforward. Especially when using a cleaver on Cecelia Kang demo using the tool. We were watching fascinated, not speaking a word. We feel the energy of this martial art movements, very large. We sweat so come and join eagerly. This is a nationwide arts revolution! Since then we find out more about the arts Tadjimalela.

History of Education Silat Tadjimalela
Sejarah tadjimalela Kang Djadjat-shangkalaTadjimalela arts college was established on August 4, 1974 by R. Djadjat Koesoemahdinata or better known as Kang Djadjat Paramour.
Tadjimalela name is taken from one of the name of a King / King of the kingdom bans Sumedang, West Java. Digunakanya Tadjimalela name is because,  to genealogy, R. Djadjat Koesoemahdinata still have a relative of the family prabu. Additionally Tadjimalela names obtained through a process of contemplation and munajat Allah SWT.
Starting from dissatisfaction Kang Djadjat in learning martial arts, which at the time was only given ibingnya art of a master martial, while he wanted practical moves that can be used when a fight broke out, he was compelled to seek more than what it receives.
Another thing that is encouraging to find and study the martial arts is a keperihatinannya see the development of foreign martial arts such rampant at that time. Though martial arts is the ancestral heritage of Indonesia as marginalized and not get attention, both from the community and from the government itself. Secondly it gives rise to a strong aspiration to become a famous martial arts teacher, martial arts and put equal or more than the foreign martial arts that developed particularly in West Java.
Ideals and desires are so strong and he followed up with frequent fasting and visited places of hermitage. At that time, Kang Djadjat leave the house for four days. Arriving at the house, Kang Djadjat are in a state of shock, unable to speak. Four days later, before she could tell everything that had happened to his brother, R. Iyan Koesoemahdinata, who became chairman of the Education Silat Tadjimalela center.
Home of wandering, he is often seen practiced in front of a mirror. He began to teach a few tricks to my friends and nearby neighbors in the region Jl.Dulatip, Bandung. Following are the step-jurusnya mature, then it occurred to him to establish an arts college. He did the night prayers and fasting, asking God Almighty to be given a name for the college arts moves that he created himself. Finally he got a clue that gave the name to the college TADJIMALELA silatnya. After receiving support from the fourth brother, then on the date August 4, 1974 diresmikanlah Tadjimalela arts college.
There are seven people who are considered as the first disciples, who dubbed PASUS (Special Forces). They are Martha Nang, Buci Budiman, Wahya, Smith AR, Barley, Oki Surya Hidayat (Ook).
After shading under IPSI 1975, Kang Djadjat began directing step-jurusnya to techniques that can be used and validated in accordance with the applicable provisions of the sport.
July 6, 1995 at the age of 50 years, Kang Djajat return to the bosom of mother earth. A message conveyed to future generations before his death: "Breathe Kudu Tadjimalela Sarebu Taun deui" or "Tadjimalela should live a thousand years."


Crow (Gallant & Galak)
Crow bird depicted in a circle shape in terms of standby 5. This is a typical movement Tadjimalela
Of Ravens headed to Maung (Human-Human Superior noble)
Man who lament Kanu Court. The point is not to blame outside themselves, yet constantly coming into and confront all the knights faced.

nevertheless Crow
• Taken from one moment Tadjimalela.
• Have a mercurial nature with a keen sense of smell.
• Psychologically has magical charisma.
• Black color (in bhs.sunda hideung) has the meaning of the initiative.

Pentagon shape
• Philosophy of education ie Panca Darma.
Circles In Orange Colour
• It symbolizes the spirit of upholding the truth.
• Drawing hearts ablaze as the moon.
color Blue
• Each step movement always seek refuge in the Lord Almighty.
Outer Circle
• Symbolizing zero (no) or non-recognition
• Surrender / submit
Gold Color
• Behaviour Panca Darma people will bear invaluable.


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